The Lodge of Instruction
The Lodge of Instruction was dedicated to Worshipful Brother, William Felkner, Past Master, in January 2004 for the purpose of continuing the most excellent tenets and practices of Freemasonry, as demonstrated by him. Worshipful Brother Felkner, Past Master, has given Wasatch Lodge #1 over 50 years of service as an instructor in the Masonic Arts, and has given a legacy to Utah Freemasonry, which is reflected in his some 200 students.
The William Felkner Lodge of Instruction is held on the third Tuesday of every month, typically at the Salt Lake City Masonic Temple, and oversees all ritual instruction, qualifications, proficiency, for Wasatch Lodge #1.
All Master Masons are welcome to attend, please call ahead or contact the webmaster for exact times and locations. Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts are welcome when the Lodge is opened for instruction on their particular Degree.
image: Worshipful Master, John Liley (right) presenting certificate to Worshipful Brother William Felkner (left).