What is Freemasonry

Freemasonry is a tradional initiatic order. It describes itself as a pecular system of morals, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. Freemasons are joined together by shared ideals of both a moral and metaphysical nature.

Freemasonry’s initiatory system of degrees, or morality plays, is designed to teach and explore ethical and philosophical matters of three basic virtues: Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

A complete understanding of Freemasonry is difficult to achieve, if not impossible. Freemasonry is a complex living tradition, of a non-dogmatic nature. As one works through the degrees, one studies the lessons and interprets them for oneself. There are as many ways to interpret the rituals as there are Masons, and no Mason may dictate to any other Mason how he is to interpret them. The symbols, and the lessons they teach, aids each Mason in coming to his own conclusions to life’s important questions.

Thus, some Masons are concerned with Charity and Philanthropy, some with Fraternity, and others with Philosophy.

The one idea that all Masons accept, is that Freemasonry itself is large enough to accomodate each kind of Mason. The diversity of Freemasonry is its strength. We are all bound together by our endeavors to polish and adorn our minds, bodies, and spirit in our pursuit for more light.

“esoteric art”.
At its most basic level, Freemasonry can be described as an institution of free men, dedicated to teaching, supporting, and propagating the ideas of Brother Love, Relief, and Truth.

A complete understanding of Freemasonry is complex, if not impossible. It is a living tradition, of a non-dogmatic nature. Each Mason is likely to have a slightly different answer to the question “What is Freemasonry”. It is true that every Freemason has a similar experience of the Masonic Ritual, how each Mason uses the information is up to them.

Thus, some Masons are concerned with Charity and Philanthropy, some with Fraternity, and others with Philosophy.

The one idea that all Masons accept, is that Freemasonry itself is large enough to accomodate each kind of Mason. The diversity of Freemasonry is its strength. We are all bound together by our endeavors to polish and adorn our minds, bodies, and spirit in our pursuit for more light.