Architects Comments

The sphinxes were carved locally of Utah granite; the spheres, also made locally, are of Eastern granite. An interesting incident in connection with this carving occurred. It should be noted that Utah granite is a very durable stone of pleasing appearance. It does, however, have some objectionable dark blotches, which if exposed on finished stone are quite objectionable in appearance. If they appear on the finished work, it is necessary to reject the stone or to cut it smaller and use it for some other purpose. Mindful of this, the large blocks for these figures were selected as carefully as possible, because of the great amount of work that would be wasted if these objectionable spots occurred. Usual when these blotches were uncovered they were carved out before the finished surfaces were reached and no bad consequence was discernable. But when one sphinx was almost completed after months of carving, a large and very objectionable spot was encountered on the throat and still remained when the surface was finished. Naturally, everyone interested was deeply concerned, and it was decided to try to patch the stone in this place. Quite a sizeable piece of granite was cut out and anew piece of the stone cemented in to replace it. This was then carved to shape. While the joints are discernible, it will stand inspection and will be of interest for one to examine.

The above description of the use of entirely consistent Egyptian ornamentation is intended to show that it is possible thereby to symbolize much of Masonry for the benefit of Masons and to expose these symbols to public gaze and yet completely conceal the meaning from those not informed of their significance.

The walls of the Temple are of brick, laid block fashion in imitation of stone masonry, because it seemed more significant than the usual brick bond. It is interesting to note that the clay for these bricks was from a then new deposit and only samples had been made prior to our use. The brick, now frequently used elsewhere, is still referred to as Masonic Temple brick.

The interior of the Temple is the Mason�s workshop and its appointments should follow a pattern designed for the functioning of the Masonic ritual. It is true that the public is admitted to the Lodge rooms at times and they may observe and be curious of the devices seen. But, it is thought that there is nothing of Masonic secret in these rooms that can be understood by persons not members of the Craft.

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