Architects Comments

Many Masons have speculated as to why the Egyptian style of architecture for the exterior of the Temple was adopted. Its purpose was deemed most important and was not used merely to be different.

Most of the more modern Masonic Temples follow one of the Classic Orders. This gives a monumental dignified appearance, but does not give much opportunity to display Masonic symbols in a concealed and un-offensive manner. However, with the Egyptian style, where inscriptions and figures appear on almost every surface, it was possible to include one of Masonic significance without disclosing their presence and still be in perfect keeping with the general style adopted. Further, the Egyptian Art was highly developed in Solomon�s time and seemed �a natural� for our purpose.

Several Egyptian structures and those best preserved today were built in honor of the Egyptian God Horus, described as the �God of Light or Life,� and from them could directly be taken symbols of light so appropriate for our structure. The God Horus is variously depicted, perhaps more often as a falcon-headed human. But in some cases the symbol used was a double headed, feathered serpent and solar headed, feathered serpent and solar disk, and this suited our purpose better and was used.

This device in large scale was used in ornamenting the cornice, signifying that this is a Temple dedicated to Masonic light. Superimposed on the solar disk and in the square, compasses, and letter �G”, which are the only strictly Masonic emblems displayed on the exterior of the structure.

The entrances to the Temple, three in number, are symbolical of the lights of Masonry and over each is again used this ancient symbol of light, plainly marking the purpose of these entrances. Also on the entrance grilles of these three doorways, this device again appears reminding Masons that these are doorways through which one must pass form the North or darkness into the Temple, seeking Masonic light.

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